AXS Green Alpha ETF (NXTE) Surpasses $50 Million in First 29 Trading Days Amid Investor Demand for Leading “Next Economy” Companies
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NXTE provides exposure to companies profitably creating innovations that address global systemic risks and advance economic productivity, renewable energies [...]

The Global Economy is Getting Worse and so is the Climate Crisis
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What Does This Mean for the Big Picture?
By Garvin Jabusch.
A Fragmented World
The chances of a global recession are high with most major [...]

Sustainable Fund Flows Shine Bright in a Dismal Third Quarter for U.S. Funds ~ Morningstar
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There is a sharp contrast to the outflows of their nonsustainable peers.
The AXS Green Alpha ETF (ticker NXTE) was named the largest new sustainable ETF [...]

Benchmarking Against the Sustainable Economy
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By Garvin Jabusch, CIO.
In the field of investment management, one of the key performance metrics we’re judged against is our ability to generate [...]

Investing for a Zero-Risk Economy ~ White Paper
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The question is as old as it is simple: how can we construct portfolios to maximize performance gains and reduce risk? While some approaches have insights, [...]

The Ultimate Gender Lens Investment Strategy ~ White Paper
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There is a widespread, persistent myth in investing circles that investing in solutions to the climate crisis and resource degradation is not, in itself, a [...]

The Crisis in Ukraine: Authoritarianism’s Threat to the Next Economy
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Markets aside, the events of the past week have been devastating. Russia’s war on Ukraine is ending lives and placing millions more in harm’s way, while [...]

Let’s Talk Volatility ~ Audio Recording
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Today we offer you an audio companion piece to our CIO's recent blog titled "Let's Talk Volatility," because there are so many misconceptions and outdated [...]

The Next 10 Big Green Stocks ~ Bloomberg and FA Magazine
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This article was written by Suzanne Woolley on November 12, 2021 and was originally published by Bloomberg News and FA Magazine
It’s been called “a lot [...]

The Great Repricing: Next Economics and the Climate Crisis
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When our friends and colleagues at Gitterman Asset Management asked us to contribute to an important and comprehensive report titled "The Great Repricing: [...]