
The “S” in ESG: Moderna vs ExxonMobil

It has been investment industry practice to carefully interrogate the methodologies used by ratings services to assign ESG ratings to companies and to [...]

Next Economics and the Climate Crisis

Next EconomicsTM refers to Green Alpha Advisors’ investment philosophy. It is the analysis of the pathway from the destructive legacy of a fossil [...]

Big Oil’s Bad Day in the Context of Portfolio Management

By: Garvin Jabusch I was impressed this week by Graham Sinclair's thoughtful piece “Why 26 May 2021 Matters,” looking at “Big Oil’s Bad, Bad Day” [...]

This is How We Outcompete China

By Garvin Jabusch China today is embarked on a program of standardizing and homogenizing its population (often by large-scale incarceration), to fit within [...]

Why Investing in Solutions to the Climate Crisis is the Ultimate Gender-lens Strategy, Part 2

“S” and “G” won’t matter if we don’t save the world If you missed Part 1 in this series, where we discuss the climate crisis’s [...]

Why Investing in Solutions to the Climate Crisis is the Ultimate Gender-lens Strategy, Part 1

Even the "S" in ESG comes down to an "E" By Betsy Moszeter There is a widespread, persistent myth in investing circles that investing in solutions to [...]

To Thrive Long Term, an Economy must be Built (or Rebuilt) on Four Pillars of Sustainability

The first half of 2020 was a unique time in the markets and in the global economy. While the economy as a whole is struggling to adapt and transition to new [...]

Sustainability Means Justice

Our job at Green Alpha is asset management, not punditry. Yet, if we don't say something right now, that makes us another part of the problem, among those [...]