Green Alpha

Benchmarking Against the Sustainable Economy

By Garvin Jabusch, CIO. In the field of investment management, one of the key performance metrics we’re judged against is our ability to generate [...]

Investing for a Zero-Risk Economy ~ White Paper

The question is as old as it is simple: how can we construct portfolios to maximize performance gains and reduce risk? While some approaches have insights, [...]

The Ultimate Gender Lens Investment Strategy ~ White Paper

There is a widespread, persistent myth in investing circles that investing in solutions to the climate crisis and resource degradation is not, in itself, a [...]

Year-to-date Macroeconomic Commentary ~ Audio Recording

The first four months of 2022 have been historic for the world, and dramatic for economies and markets. The dynamics involved are ongoing, so the geopolitical [...]

Harness the Possibilities with Next Economy Investing ~ Infographic

At Green Alpha, we see the big picture: investing in the transition to a more sustainable and socially inclusive Next EconomyTM can be a highly prudent way to [...]

Navigating the Canals of Water Investing ~ GreenMoney Journal

This article was originally published by the GreenMoney JournalWritten by Green Alpha Executives: Garvin Jabusch and Betsy Moszeter Water is elemental. [...]

Investors Handed Stark Warning with Latest Climate Assessment ~ Bloomberg

IPCC report says "the extent and magnitude of climate change impacts are larger" than previously estimated. Originally published by Bloomberg, February 28, [...]

Green Alpha is Hiring! Equity Analyst Position Open

The successful equity analyst candidate will be one driven by curiosity to learn more, test ideas, challenge and overturn prior assumptions, and build ways of [...]

Let’s Talk Volatility ~ Audio Recording

Today we offer you an audio companion piece to our CIO's recent blog titled "Let's Talk Volatility," because there are so many misconceptions and outdated [...]

2021: A Mosaic of Consolidation, Growth, and Impact

Where investments are made – where capital flows – defines what the economy is. What we purchase and use, how we use it, and how we power it: the whole [...]