Originally aired by KGNU Radio
Host Liz Lane interviews Robert Reich on his new book “The System: Who Rigged It and How to Fix It.” and Green Alpha’s CIO Garvin Jabusch on seismic shifts in the energy and other sectors. Garvin’s portion of the interview starts at 31:30 in this audio file:
As of the time of this recording, Green Alpha did not hold any firm-level or client assets in Zoom Video Communications Inc (ticker ZM), which is mentioned within the interview. Green Alpha did hold portions of some client accounts in Moderna Inc (MRNA), CRISPR Therapeutics AG (CRSP), Illumina Inc (ILMN), and Editas Medicine Inc (EDIT) at the time that this interview was recorded. Nothing in this recorded conversation should be considered individualized investment advice, nor advice to buy, sell or hold any specific security at any point in time. Please read additional important disclosures here: https://greenalphaadvisors.com/about-us/legal-disclaimers/