
Tesla: Pioneering Decarbonization Amidst Investment Complexity

By Garvin Jabusch. In the rapidly evolving landscape of sustainable technology, Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ: TSLA) stands as a paragon of innovation and [...]

Thinking Hard about the China Overproduction Narrative

By Garvin Jabusch. Watch almost any financial news network recently, and you almost can’t help yourself assimilating a major new narrative: China's [...]

Q1 2024 Macroeconomic Review: Tenacious Inflation’s Lingering Impacts

The first quarter of 2024 revealed a more-persistent-than-hoped picture of inflation. While showing significant deceleration compared to 2023 peaks, [...]

The Old Barons vs the Next Economy, Or, Why You Shouldn’t Believe Exxon’s CEO

By Garvin Jabusch. ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods has ignited fury with his recent Fortune interview, because everyone who understands the climate crisis for [...]

Investing in a Time of Polycrisis

By Garvin Jabusch, CIO. The World Economic Forum (WEF) creates an annual list of the top economic risks facing the world over the coming year, two [...]

The Long View: Past Informs Future

The world, and economy, were complex and volatile throughout 2022. In Green Alpha’s signature investing style⁠—combining macro trajectory analysis, [...]

Investing in the Next Economy, A New Definition of Portfolio Risk ~ White Paper

In this paper, we define the Next Economy and its practical investment application, Next Economy Portfolio Theory. Today's economy and the market drivers [...]

Climate & Capital Conference ~ Audio & Visual Recording

We are honored to have had Betsy Moszeter participate in the important Equity Perspective on Climate Risks and Opportunities session at the Climate & [...]

Year-to-date Macroeconomic Commentary ~ Audio Recording

The first four months of 2022 have been historic for the world, and dramatic for economies and markets. The dynamics involved are ongoing, so the geopolitical [...]

The Crisis in Ukraine: Authoritarianism’s Threat to the Next Economy

Markets aside, the events of the past week have been devastating. Russia’s war on Ukraine is ending lives and placing millions more in harm’s way, while [...]