Next Economy Investing in Agriculture: Solutions Emerge from Understanding Threats. Part II: Farming Equity and Equality
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If you missed part I, which discusses how water affects every aspect of the agricultural system from farm to fork, you can read it here: Part 1: Water [...]

Investing for a Zero-Risk Economy ~ White Paper
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The question is as old as it is simple: how can we construct portfolios to maximize performance gains and reduce risk? While some approaches have insights, [...]

The Ultimate Gender Lens Investment Strategy ~ White Paper
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There is a widespread, persistent myth in investing circles that investing in solutions to the climate crisis and resource degradation is not, in itself, a [...]

Green Alpha’s Social Index Portfolio Demonstrates that More Substantial Inclusivity and Equity Criteria Outperforms Less Stringent Criteria
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The Social Index portfolio employs uniquely rigorous gender-lens, diversity, and other social inclusion criteria to maximize the potential of materially [...]