
Next Economy Investing in Agriculture: Solutions Emerge from Understanding Threats. Part II: Farming Equity and Equality

If you missed part I, which discusses how water affects every aspect of the agricultural system from farm to fork, you can read it here: Part 1: Water [...]

Investing for a Zero-Risk Economy ~ White Paper

The question is as old as it is simple: how can we construct portfolios to maximize performance gains and reduce risk? While some approaches have insights, [...]

Systemic Risks & Economic Solutions: Transportation

With transportation contributing ~8 gigatons of greenhouse gases (CO2 equivalent) to the atmosphere each year, the sector is a key driver of the climate [...]

COVID-19 is Attacking Your Stocks. Here’s How to Fight Back. ~ Worth

Originally published by WorthAuthored by Garvin Jabusch An epidemiological and health crisis can quickly become a financial crisis, even where there was [...]

How to Disrupt Investment Management ~ Worth

Cornerstone Capital’s Erika Karp on the danger of “lazy stewards of capital,” why investors need to look at economics as well as finance and how to find [...]

Talking Markets: Oil, Car Companies Lead List of Most Low-Carbon Patents ~ WSJ

An analysis of patent filings has shown that companies generally considered to be less environmentally friendly are the ones filing the most patents for [...]