Interest rates may finally be moderating. Now what?
By Garvin Jabusch.
After raising interest rates an unprecedented 21-fold (from a target range of 0%-0.25% in March of 2022, to 5.25%-5.50% since last July) [...]

Navigating the Sustainable REIT Market: Green Alpha’s Essential Guide
By Jeremy Deems and Garvin Jabusch.
Welcome to our dive into the dynamics of the Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) market. Here, we hope to bring a fresh [...]

2023 YTD Macroeconomic Commentary
In the first quarter of 2023, the global economy continued to be characterized by the key challenges of 2022, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the war [...]

Green Alpha is Hiring! Equity Analyst Position Open
The successful equity analyst candidate will be one driven by curiosity to learn more, test ideas, challenge and overturn prior assumptions, and build ways of [...]
Q1 2024 Macroeconomic Review: Tenacious Inflation’s Lingering Impacts