Next Economy Investing During Volatile Times ~ Webinar Recording

We recognize the severity of the global pandemic that we are all dealing with right now, and the market volatility it has caused. We hope you and your loved one are okay, safe, and healthy. This is a time of rapid change, disruption, and innovation – it’s through collaboration that we will emerge from this crisis.

We at Green Alpha want to do our part to help investors make the best long-term decisions possible with their capital, so that it’s available when it’s needed, regardless of whether it’s set aside for college, purchasing a home, retirement, or any other purpose. We hosted a webinar on April 8th to:

  • put some context around the global pandemic, and some important aspects it throws light on
  • speak to how our portfolios have been performing
  • share some observations about investor behavior during the crisis, both at the investment industry level as well as our own clients
  • discuss what investors might consider doing now in light of what may be unfolding next
  • talk about our plan to remaining adaptable in these times of accelerating change
  • provide access to our portfolio managers, who answered questions live for the second half of the webinar

A full audio/visual recording of the webinar is included immediately below (audio starts at minute 2):

Please pay attention to the important disclosures presented within the webinar, and read additional disclosures here: