Green Alpha

Green Alpha’s Perspective on Yesterday’s Market Decline

COVID-19 fears, a 30% plunge in the oil price, and a background of producer (if not yet consumer) struggles in the face of trade conflict came together [...]

COVID-19 is Attacking Your Stocks. Here’s How to Fight Back. ~ Worth

Originally published by WorthAuthored by Garvin Jabusch An epidemiological and health crisis can quickly become a financial crisis, even where there was [...]

How to Disrupt Investment Management ~ Worth

Cornerstone Capital’s Erika Karp on the danger of “lazy stewards of capital,” why investors need to look at economics as well as finance and how to find [...]

Talking Markets: Oil, Car Companies Lead List of Most Low-Carbon Patents ~ WSJ

An analysis of patent filings has shown that companies generally considered to be less environmentally friendly are the ones filing the most patents for [...]

2019 Portfolio Manager Commentary

Across our portfolios, the application of our Next EconomicsTM thesis continued to work well in 2019, with each Green Alpha portfolio significantly [...]

A New Year’s Message from Green Alpha Advisors

To our clients, partners, community, and to the world: Thank you for another fun and adventurous year!  The Next EconomyTM continued to rock in [...]

A Vision for the Next Economy in Sustainable Investing ~ Podcast

In this podcast interview between Kimberly Griego-Kiel of Horizons Sustainable Financial Services, and our CIO Garvin Jabusch, they have a fun and lively [...]

Anthropocene, Explained

Untangling Science from Spin By Garvin JabuschAn edited version of this article was published by Worth The use of the term “Anthropocene” [...]

Share Repurchase Programs Threaten Market Collapse

Stock buybacks work when fundamentals don't matter An edited version of this blog was originally published by Worthby Garvin Jabusch Stock buybacks, [...]