Notable Women in Accounting ~ BizWest

We are thrilled that our COO Betsy Moszeter’s accomplishments were recognized by BizWest’s Notable Women in Accounting publication! The full article can be viewed and read here and an excerpt is included below for your convenience.

The Notables in Accounting honors a woman involved in tax preparation, financial statements, financial planning, forensic accounting, internal auditing, and income tax, helping their clients and employers thrive.

The leaders profiled in the following pages were nominated by their peers at work and in the community, and showcase the diversity of talent in our market. The leadership shown by the individuals profiled here is setting an example to shape a better future for our region.

Betsy Moszeter

Green Alpha Advisors, LLC
Chief Operating Officer
Years in industry: 22
College, university: University of Oregon, University of Virginia

“I am nominating Betsy Moszeter because she and her work are outstanding examples of what any executive (male or female) is capable of achieving on behalf of clients,” said Garvin Jabusch, Chief Investment Officer of Green Alpha Advisors.

“As a result of her hard work and determination to overcome all obstacles, she became a C-Suite officer of a successful investment firm at the young age of 27. Since that time, she has successfully built and grown several investment firms, including Green Alpha Advisors, the firm I co-founded. 

“At Green Alpha Betsy wears multiple hats, including being a key member of the investment committee. On that committee she’s the lead analyst on a material number of the stocks in which we invest client assets. In addition, she continually recommends insights and rationale to add data points to our research processes, enhancing the quality of our proprietary investment research processes, directly influencing the end results.”

Jabusch said Moszeter is the portfolio construction lead on the company’s social inclusion portfolio strategy, which has a cumulative since inception return of *242.1% (gross of management fees) versus the MSCI All Country World IMI benchmark return of 99.7% for the same time period (12/31/2015 to 4/30/2021). “Betsy works on all of Green Alpha’s portfolios, and they all boast similarly robust outperformance results. Green Alpha has unique, rigorous research and stock picking processes — all done in house following proprietary methodologies. We couldn’t be delivering our high-quality portfolios without Betsy’s involvement. 

“Because she wears both investment committee and operations hats, she ensures we’re democratizing access to institutional-quality portfolios for clients of all shapes and sizes via platform and portfolio delivery tools she has developed. Through her contributions, since she joined Green Alpha the firm has grown from $10 million in assets under management to $800 million, for an average annual growth rate of 90%.”


*Green Alpha’s Next EconomyTM Social Index has an inception date of December 31, 2015. Green Alpha provided inputs to BizWest in May of 2021, so the full available performance track record at that time is what was presented. As of April 30, 2021, the Social Index’s since inception cumulative performance returns were 242.1% gross of management fees and 236.6% net of management fees vs the MSCI All Country World IMI benchmark return of 99.7%. For current and more extensive performance results, please see page five of the Social Index Portfolio Snapshot. For a full set of performance-related disclosures, please see page six of the same document.

Green Alpha is a registered trademark of Green Alpha Advisors, LLC. Green Alpha also owns the trademark to “Next Economy.” Please read additional disclosures here