News & Insights - Page 3 of 30 - Green Alpha Investments

2023 YTD Macroeconomic Commentary

In the first quarter of 2023, the global economy continued to be characterized by the key challenges of 2022, including the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the war [...]

Investing in a Time of Polycrisis

By Garvin Jabusch, CIO. The World Economic Forum (WEF) creates an annual list of the top economic risks facing the world over the coming year, two [...]

Next Economy Investing in Agriculture: Solutions Emerge from Understanding Threats. Part II: Farming Equity and Equality

If you missed part I, which discusses how water affects every aspect of the agricultural system from farm to fork, you can read it here: Part 1: Water [...]

The Long View: Past Informs Future

The world, and economy, were complex and volatile throughout 2022. In Green Alpha’s signature investing style⁠—combining macro trajectory analysis, [...]

What Elon Should Do: An open letter to Elon Musk 

By: Garvin Jabusch.  Dear Elon,  You've often said you don't care about money (my favorite example was on The Simpsons, with Mr. Burns' unable [...]

Next Economy Investing in Agriculture: Solutions Emerge from Understanding Threats. Part I: Water Scarcity

What we eat and how we produce our food are inseparably linked to the climate crisis that faces the world. At Green Alpha, we understand that transforming the [...]