Shelton Capital Management

A big wince as Trump’s DOL presses efforts to erase Obama-era ESG guidance, with tough new rule to curb do-good funds in ERISA accounts; critics cry ‘politics’ ~ RIABiz

The below-included article contains a partial quote from our COO, Betsy Moszeter. Betsy's full comment is followed by the text of the RIABiz article. "The [...]

Shelton Green Alpha Fund Hits Three-Year Mark, Earns Four-Star Rating

Denver, April 18, 2016 – Shelton Capital Management, a mutual fund company founded in 1985, today announced that the Shelton Green Alpha Fund (NEXTX) [...]

The Economic Case for Divesting from Fossil Fuels ~ White Paper

In this paper we discuss the systemic risks created by continued use of fossil fuels, and opportunity for long-term prosperity offering by investing in [...]