Fossil Free portfolios

The Old Barons vs the Next Economy, Or, Why You Shouldn’t Believe Exxon’s CEO

By Garvin Jabusch. ExxonMobil CEO Darren Woods has ignited fury with his recent Fortune interview, because everyone who understands the climate crisis for [...]

Constructing the Next Economy ~ A Green Alpha Infographic

The shape of the economy emerges from where our money goes. Therefore, Green Alpha only invests in companies solving for the system-level risks of the climate [...]

Green Alpha’s Perspective on Yesterday’s Market Decline

COVID-19 fears, a 30% plunge in the oil price, and a background of producer (if not yet consumer) struggles in the face of trade conflict came together [...]

Talking Markets: Oil, Car Companies Lead List of Most Low-Carbon Patents ~ WSJ

An analysis of patent filings has shown that companies generally considered to be less environmentally friendly are the ones filing the most patents for [...]

Croatan Institute Releases Clean 15 Investment Portfolio at SOCAP

Originally Published by Croatan Institute SAN [...]