active investing

Boeing’s Struggles Highlight the Perils of Stock Buybacks

By Garvin Jabusch. In July 2019, I wrote about the dangers of stock buybacks, using Boeing (NYSE ticker BA) as a prime example of how this practice can [...]

Women in Asset Management Awards

We are absolutely thrilled that our COO Betsy Moszeter is a nominee for Active U.S. Equity Manager of the Year in the prestigious Women in Asset Management [...]

Talking Markets: Oil, Car Companies Lead List of Most Low-Carbon Patents ~ WSJ

An analysis of patent filings has shown that companies generally considered to be less environmentally friendly are the ones filing the most patents for [...]

Dear Larry Fink: It’s Time to Turn Your Words into Actions ~ Worth

Larry Fink, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of BlackRock, poses for a picture. Photo by Jonathan Wong / South China Morning Post via Getty Images If [...]

The (Unintended) Darker Side of John Bogle’s Legacy ~ Worth & Financial Times

The industry titan changed the way millions of people invest, but indexing has greater implications now than it did 50 years ago. Published in Worth [...]